P2R Process - Ecoslops is the cleantech that brings oil into the circular economy by upcycling oily waste into new fuels and bitumen conform to international standards
Various oily residues are produced (pipeline cleaning, contaminates, tank bottoms), but most of them come from ships, which ensure 90% of the world merchandise transportation. There is a strict regulatory framework (IMO, MarPol) but its implementation is difficult and costly. To comply with these rules, oily waste producers most often have to pay to have their waste collected and/or treated. It unfortunately still leads to illegal dumping and discharge at sea or in rivers. Buying back these oily wastes is an incentive for producers to get them collected and treated, and helps the collectors to be sustainable. After the water and sediment have been removed, the Petroleum Residue Recycling Unit (P2R unit) then upcycle these residues into several types of new commercial products, compliant with international standards. The distillation scheme, specifically designed in order to treat slops which are variables by nature, involves atmospheric and vacuum distillation in successive steps.
For more information click here

Following the success of the first solar flight around the world, Bertrand Piccard and the Solar Impulse Foundation has launched the second phase of their action: selecting #1000solutions that can protect the environment in a profitable way and bringing them to decision makers to help them adopt more ambitious environmental targets and energy policies.
To know more about the foundation, click here