
The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual European meeting point on maritime affairs and blue growth. It targets maritime professionals, entrepreneurs and ocean leaders from Academia, NGOs, businesses, governments and public institutions. It is therefore natural for Euroshore to attend this event, traditionally organized in May, each year in one different European City with a different theme.

Green Shipping: Invasive Species and the IMO Ballast Water Convention

The spread of non-native species is now recognized as one of the greatest threats to the ecological and economic well-being of the planet. When alien invasive species in ballast tanks are transported between water bodies and discharged, they have the potential for establishing new, non-indigenous populations causing damage to native biodiversity and impacting commercially important natural resources. As a result of the very real threats posed by ballast water, authorities and international organizations are now pushing ballast water regulations.

The IMO Ballast Water Convention entered into force in 2017. It imposes to equip ships with ballast water treatment systems and States through Port State Control to control quality of ballast water.

What are the problems raised by the implementation and what could be the role of ports in the implementation of the IMO BWMC? Could they offer services, as for the other types of effluents? What are the advantages, constraints or problems of each approach? These are the issues to discuss during this workshop.

Other activities around this workshop will take place:

  • 3 STANDS to present what are the risks induced by shipping and port activities, especially regarding invasive species and oil and chemical pollutions; how ports can contribute to reduce marine pollution and to early detect pollution
  • DEMONSTRATIONS of “InvaSave”2 the 1st port based BW treatment system certified by IMO in the port of Lisbon and a visit of the VTS station.

These demos of the mobile port based ballast water treatment system “InvaSave” will take place in the port of Lisbon, at the VTS station tower. Time slots of almost 60 minutes are currently targeted. Each demo includes a visit of the port of Lisbon and to the Lisbon VTS tower, with presentations of sea water monitoring in ports for oil, chemical and ballast water spillage. These are developed with the University of Lisbon and pursued through the two Interreg projects “MyCoast” and “Blue Ports”.

Participants will be transported by bus from the conference center. For logistic issues, transportation and visit of the VTS station is limited to 40 persons per visit.

Registration is required. Please contact us (contact@blueportservices.com) or/and fill in the form on line: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=MpZ-Bkzq2U6ebeKUlW4oSzc_Vfujy2xMhyGovnxp5RJUMU1WM1QwWFM0NjFXU0M4NERCTVBOOVIwUS4u