
At least 27% of the energy consumed in the European Union by 2030, should come from renewable energy. One of the possibilities next to wind energy, sun panels, tidal energy etc. is the increased use of biofuels in mineral oils. (See the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources Com (2016) 767 final of 30.11.2016.

In the document the action is motivated as belonging to subsidiarity and proportionality. Will this mean that it will affect the production of mineral oil produced by big oil majors? Or will it include also smaller players?

Several Members located in Member States where end-of-waste criteria for waste oil exist, are producing fuel that are sold as a product to mostly land based industries. Are these producers also affected by this ‘strategy’? Or will it depend to the Member State where the company is based (subsidiarity criterium)?

For reasons of fair competition all over Europe,  Euroshore prefers European end-of-waste-criteria for waste oils that will be used as fuels again. It also advisable to give an indication if adding biofuels to mineral oil will also be applicable on recycled fuels.